
Nutrition Education Program

Event Contact

user Laurey Sherren
0466 254 622

Event Details

Event Date
18/02/2023 10:00 am
Event Location
Zoom (online)
Event Price
attach_money $30

Confused about nutrition?

Can’t afford to spend hundreds but keen to learn more about nutrition?

Don’t want to follow another silly restrictive diet plan designed by unqualified personal trainers? (I can relate).

Introducing my Nutrition Education Program, that is affordable and I can guarantee you’ll feel empowered.

This program is designed for everyone. So if you are a workplace, school, sporting club or group of friends or individual, this is your sign.

And the best part, it’s only $30 per person (limited time only) so you have nothing to lose and nutrition education to gain.

No diet plans to follow.

Features: Virtual – zoom How to read food labels Volume eating Mindful eating Serving sizes and what they look like Simple food swaps How to lose weight without counting calories Ongoing discount to Goodness Me (… and more!

Sessions currently running monthly on the 3rd Saturday of the month.

Next session Saturday 18th February at 10am via zoom
