An evening of music with NSW singer songwriter James Bennett James Bennett is an independent solo artist & multi-instrumentalist.
An experienced, prolific songwriter & one who believes in writing for a purpose & not just for the sake of trying to hit the big time.
Constantly evolving, while staying rooted in the sincerity that defines his music, James Bennett’s raw honesty shines through his live sets, never failing to transfix an audience.
‘Occasionally an artist stops you in your tracks and belts you right in the feels, and singer-songwriter James Bennett is certainly in the business of crafting tracks that get stuck in your head without overstaying their welcome.
There’s an effortless charm to Bennett’s songs that carries over into real life when he talks about his music – a self-taught guitarist, a silver-tongued lyricist and a voice coated in rasping honey, it’s no surprise or coincidence that a boy who grew up off the grid listening to uninterrupted Bob Dylan would end up conjuring dreamy folk magic.’